St. Luke's United Methodist Church
63 E Broadway, Derry NH 03038 Tel. No. 603-434-4767
Email: stlukesumc@gmail.com Office hours: Tuesday 9:00am - 2:00pm
About Us
Brief History
In 1834, a few men and women began meeting in their homes with "The Methodist Blessing". In September of that year, there were 15 members. By the next conference, membership grew to 54. The First Methodist Episcopal Society of Derry later moved from Derry Village to its present location. On February 4, 1888, St. Luke's Society was organized and began meeting nearer the center of the town. The present building was dedicated on June 17, 1889. The total cost was $4,000. In 1894, the church was raised and the vestry was built. The church was enlarged in 1904 and an addition was added in 1971. St. Luke's has a long history within its Derry community and continues to be a spiritual blessing to Derry and surrounding communities.

St. Luke's Mission Statement
To bring people to Jesus and membership in God’s family, experience God’s Love in Worship, grow in Christ-like maturity equipped to share God’s Love through service in the world.
"He has shown you, O mortal, what is good. And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God." - Micah 6:8
At St. Luke's we put a great emphasis on charity and community service ("Faith without works is dead."- James 2:14) as well as study of the Gospel message of Jesus Christ. To be Christ-like is to serve others with love, compassion and mercy. We do not claim to be perfect but strive for and encourage others to strive towards perfection through the agency of the Holy Spirit. A church is not a country club for the saints. Everyone is welcome regardless of race, nationality, gender-orientation, and mental and physical ability. We are all equally children of God and are welcomed by our Lord and Savior.

Photos of of sanctuary during different parts of the liturgical year.

Photos of of sanctuary during different parts of the liturgical year.

Photos of of sanctuary during different parts of the liturgical year.

Photos of of sanctuary during different parts of the liturgical year.
2020 St. Luke's UMC